FY2025 FCC Form 471 Application Filing Window Opens January 15, 2025
FY2025 FCC Form 471 Application Filing Window Opens January 15, 2025
The Funding Year (FY) 2025 FCC Form 471 application filing window will open on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at noon ET and will close on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET.
The deadline to submit and certify the FCC Form 470 for the 2025 funding year is Wednesday, February 26, 2025. This deadline allows applicants to wait the required 28-day period before submitting the FCC Form 471, which closes on March 26, 2025.
E-Rate FY2024 FCC Form 471 Application Filing Window Is Open
2024-01-17 The funding year (FY) 2024 FCC Form 471 application filing window opens at 12 p.m. ET on January 17, 2024. Applicants will have until March 27 to file their FY2024 FCC Forms 471.
The FY2023 FCC Form 471 Filing Window is Now Open
2023-01-18 The Funding Year (FY) 2023 FCC Form 471 application filing window opened today – Wednesday, January 18 at 12:00 noon ET – and will close on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Below are some critical dates for FY2023.
- FY2023 FCC Form 470 (The First Form)
- Tuesday, February 28, 2023 is the last date that you can submit and certify an FCC Form 470 and still wait the required minimum 28-day period before submitting and certifying your FCC Form 471 by March 28, 2023, the last date of the FY2023 application filing window.
- FY2023 FCC Form 471 (The Second Form)
- March 28, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET is the last date that you can submit your FCC Form 471 before the application filing window closes.
- FY2023 FCC Form 470 (The First Form)
EM3 Networks Named to Inc. 5000 List
2022-09-11 Inc. 5000 recently revealed that Kansas-based telecommunications company, EM3 Networks LLC, has been named to its annual Inc. 5000 list, which recognizes America’s fastest-growing private companies. The list aims to discover and showcase the top leaders across the country, representing a one-of-a-kind look at the most successful companies within the economy’s most dynamic segment — its independent businesses.
“Landing at number 2188, to be recognized nationally for our 271% growth over the last three years, we are delighted to have been named to this year’s Inc. 5000 list,” said Tim Yager, one of the three Managing Partners of EM3 Networks, a trusted telcom solutions provider. “It is very gratifying to be touted for our achievements and excellent customer service from across the country, but more importantly, it’s an honor and privilege to know that we’re providing solutions that deliver real world outcomes to our schools, libraries and rural hospitals, having a direct impact on our next generation, the leaders of tomorrow, and our nation’s healthcare. We are forever thankful to our staff, partners and most of all, our customers who make us so successful.”
“The accomplishment of building one of the fastest-growing companies in the U.S., in light of recent economic roadblocks, cannot be overstated,” says Scott Omelianuk, editor-in-chief of Inc. “Inc. is thrilled to honor the companies that have established themselves through innovation, hard work, and rising to the challenges of today.” This achievement highlights their unwavering commitment and leadership in guiding the industry through tidal waves of change.
EM3 Networks provides high speed, dedicated fiber connectivity for Internet, Wide Area Networks and Managed Solutions across the nation. They differentiate themselves with a customer-focused mindset to drive exceptional customer experiences and stand firmly by their name, demonstrating that ‘Experience Matters’.
For more information on EM3 Networks, explore our website or call 855-949-9273.
EM3 Networks Approved to do business in California
2021-06-12 EM3 Networks Approved to do business in California. We are proud to announce that EM3 Networks has been issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (“CPCN”) under Public Utilities Code § 1001 for authority to provide resold competitive local exchange service and resold interexchange service within the State of California.EM3 Networks has also been approved to be a participating service provider within the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF). We look forward to providing affordable telecommunications services to Education and Rural Healthcare customers throughout the state of California! -
USAC 2021 Fund Year Window Closing March 25th.
2021-03-18 The Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) will close the application window for the 2021 federal E-rate program one week from today. The filing window closes at 11:59pm ET on Thursday, March 25.
FY2020 Second Application Filing Window September 21, 2020 – October 16th.
2020-09-21 On September 16, 2020, the FCC released an Order (DA 20-1091) directing USAC to open a second FCC Form 471 application filing window for Funding Year (FY) 2020. This window opens today, Monday, September 21, 2020 at noon EDT and will close on Friday, October 16, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
This window will enable schools to request additional bandwidth needed to meet the unanticipated and increased demand for on-campus connectivity resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic without having to undergo a new competitive bidding process if they meet the following requirements:
- they already sought bids for the services by posting an FCC Form 470 for FY2020;
- they received a Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) from USAC approving a funding request for Category One internet access and/or data transmission services that relied on that FCC Form 470 or they have such a request pending with USAC; and
- they are requesting additional E-rate discounts on an FCC Form 471 during this second window to purchase additional bandwidth through their existing service provider or a new service provider.
Keep in mind that services requested during this second FY2020 application filing window are limited to additional on-campus Category One internet access and/or data transmission services needed to meet schools’ additional bandwidth needs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Managed IT Support – Enterprise Support Plus (ESP)
2020-09-15 Enterprise Support Plus (ESP) is an EM3 service offering that provides Managed IT support for desktops, servers, and network elements such as firewalls, SD-WAN, routers, switches, and wireless. ESP can provide various levels of support, from the very basic to the complete outsourced management of all your IT assets. All support services are delivered through a combination of management and monitoring software, our 24x7x365 network operations center, and our field engineering staff.
All IT support requests will be received, managed, dispatched, and coordinated through our 24/7/365 Network Operation Center facilities. Technicians will be dispatched when on-site repairs or assistance is necessary, and during emergency or special events.
Let us know how we can better serve you with our ESP suite of services!
EM3 is ranked in Top 5% of E-Rate SP’s
2020-08-31 EM3 Networks is currently nationally ranked #116 out of 2,215 Service Providers based upon USAC funded revenue. Top 5% of all SP’s!Reliable, Efficient, Secure Networking. It’s Why EM3’s Experience Matters. -
Federal Universal Service Fund contribution increased from 18.8 percent to 24.4 percent.
2020-06-27 Federal Universal Service Fund contribution increased by 30 percent. The Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) fee increased 30 percent on July 1, 2019, rising from 18.8 percent to 24.4 percent. The Federal Universal Service Fund (USF) surcharge keeps local phone service affordable for all Americans by providing discounts on services to schools, libraries, as well as those living in rural and high-cost areas and income eligible families.
471 Application Window Extended and Additional Time Given for PIA Reviews Due to COVID-19
The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has directed USAC to extend the deadline for applicants to submit their FY2020 FCC Form 471 applications by an additional 35 days. E-rate applicants will now have until Wednesday, April 29, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. EDT to submit their FY2020 FCC Form 471 applications. The Bureau also directed USAC to provide all applicants with an automatic, 14-day extension for Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) requests. The actions were taken to minimize potential disruptions caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
E-Rate Deadline: The last day to post an FCC Form 470 for FY2020 is Wednesday, February 26, 2020.
E-Rate Deadline: the last day to post an FCC Form 470 for FY2020 is Wednesday, February 26, 2020. This is the last day to post your FCC Form 470 for FY2020 and still be able to timely certify an FCC Form 471.
EM3 Booth at TCEA Feb 4th- 6th in Austin, Texas
EM3 Booth at TCEA Feb 4th- 6th in Austin, Texas: Please stop by the EM3 booth #2780 and meet our team. Learn more about how EM3 can provide your school with Fiber Internet and other Network solutions. As an award-winning recognized Service Provider within the USAC program, EM3 Networks currently provides Leased-Lit Fiber based Internet and WAN solutions Nationwide and to Schools, Hospitals and Libraries located throughout the great state of Texas.
TCEA is the largest state organization devoted to the use of technology in education. Since 1980, this nonprofit member organization has played a vital role in increasing the use and efficacy of technology in education. The TCEA Convention & Exposition attracted 8,000+ registered attendees, with 450+ exhibitors, and 1,000+ educational sessions annually.
E-Rate Notice: Form 471 application filing window will open at noon EST on Wednesday, January 15, 2020
The FY2020 FCC Form 471 application filing window will open at noon EST on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 and close at 11:59 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. Keep in mind that the last day to post an FCC Form 470 for FY2020 and still be able to timely certify an FCC Form 471 is Wednesday, February 26, 2020.
E-Rate Notice: June 30, 2019 is the last day to receive recurring services for Funding Year (FY) 2018.
June 30, 2019 is the last day to receive recurring services for Funding Year (FY) 2018. Even if the same service provider will continue to provide your recurring service after June 30, you must use the Funding Request Number (FRN) approved for FY2019 when you are invoicing for recurring services that start July 1, 2019.
FUSF Contribution Factor for 4th Quarter of 2018 Raised to 20.1 percent
4th Quarter 2018 FUSF Raised to 20.1 Percent.
The Federal Communications Commission announced that the new universal service contribution factor for the fourth quarter (October-December) of 2018 will be 20.1 percent. This is an increase from last quarter’s rate of 17.9%
Contribution Factor: Telecommunications companies must pay a percentage of their interstate end-user revenues to the Universal Service Fund. This percentage is called the contribution factor. The contribution factor changes four times a year (quarterly) and is increased or decreased depending on the needs of the Universal Service programs.
FUSF Contribution Factor for 2nd Quarter of 2018 Lowered to 18.4 percent
2nd Quarter 2018 FUSF lowered to 18.4 Percent.
The Federal Communications Commission announced that the new universal service contribution factor for the first quarter (April-June) of 2018 will be 0.184 or 18.4 percent. This is decrease from last quarter’s rate of 19.5%
Contribution Factor: Telecommunications companies must pay a percentage of their interstate end-user revenues to the Universal Service Fund. This percentage is called the contribution factor. The contribution factor changes four times a year (quarterly) and is increased or decreased depending on the needs of the Universal Service programs.
ALERT – The 2018 USAC Filing Window Closes March 22nd!
Remember that February 22, is the last day that you can certify an FCC Form 470, then wait 28 days, and still certify your FCC Form 471 before the filing window closes on Thursday, March 22. You must wait at least 28 days after your FCC Form 470 is certified before you can choose your service provider, sign a contract (if applicable), and certify your FCC Form 471. For more information please visit the USAC web site:
FUSF Contribution Factor for 1st Quarter of 2018 Raised to 19.5 percent
1st Quarter 2018 FUSF increases to 19.5 Percent.
The Federal Communications Commission announced that the new universal service contribution factor for the first quarter (January-March) of 2018 will be 0.195 or 19.5 percent. This is an increase from last quarter’s rate of 18.8%
Contribution Factor: Telecommunications companies must pay a percentage of their interstate end-user revenues to the Universal Service Fund. This percentage is called the contribution factor. The contribution factor changes four times a year (quarterly) and is increased or decreased depending on the needs of the Universal Service programs.
Happy New Year – 2018
Happy New Year – 2018
EM3 Networks is now an Accredited Business of the Better Business Bureau
EM3 Networks is now an Accredited Business of the Better Business Bureau.
EM3 Networks wins 2017 AT&T Wireline Business Acceleration Award
Big night at the AT&T APEX Summit for EM3 Networks. We were humbled to win the Wireline Business Acceleration Award for 2017. Thank you to Emmitt Smith, Brooks McCorkel, Randall Porter and the entire AT&T APEX team for this wonderful award and recognition!
4th Quarter 2017 FUSF increases to 18.8 Percent
4th Quarter 2017 FUSF increases to 18.8 Percent. The Federal Communications Commission announced that the new universal service contribution factor for the fourth quarter (October-December) of 2017 will be 0.188 or 18.8 percent. This is an increase from last quarter’s rate of 17.1%
E-Rate Invoicing Reminder
Prerequisites to invoicing
In order for USAC to successfully process an invoice for an FY2016 funding request number (FRN) for recurring services, ALL of the following must have occurred:
USAC must have issued a positive funding commitment for the FRN.
The service provider must have certified an FCC Form 473, Service Provider Annual Certification (SPAC) Form, for FY2016.
The applicant must have certified an FCC Form 486, Receipt of Service Confirmation and Children’s Internet Protection Act Certification Form, featuring the FRN.
Services must have been delivered. (Remember that we are discussing recurring services – the last day to deliver FY2016 recurring services was June 30, 2017.)
New Drop-Down Options in EPC for Completing the FCC Form 470
New Drop-Down Options in EPC for Completing the FCC Form 470 – On Saturday, August 26, 2017, a new simplified set of drop-down options will be available to applicants completing the FCC Form 470 who are requesting bids for eligible services in EPC. If you have already filed an FCC Form 470 for FY2018, or plan to do so between now and August 26, 2017, you do not need to refile the FCC Form 470. FCC Forms 470 filed using both the current and simplified drop-down options in EPC will be accepted for FY2018, subject to program rules. Please review the August 22 Special Edition Schools and Libraries News Brief for additional information on these changes and guidelines to help utilize the drop-down menu options.
Simplified Drop-down Options for Eligible Services on FY2018 FCC Form 470
On Saturday, August 26, 2017, a simplified set of drop-down options will be available to applicants completing FCC Form 470 to request bids for eligible services in the E-rate Productivity Center (EPC). The simplified drop-down options will apply to FCC Forms 470 filed for FY2018 on or after that date. If you have already filed an FCC Form 470 for FY2018, or plan to do so between now and August 26, 2017, you do not need to refile FCC Form 470. FCC Forms 470 filed using both the current and simplified drop-down options in EPC will be accepted for FY2018, subject to program rules.
EM3 Team attend USAC E-Rate Seminar in Dallas
So that we can best assist our customers, the EM3 team attended the all day USAC Schools and Libraries (E-Rate) training last month in Dallas, Texas. This training was presented by the USAC E-Rate professionals and covered all areas of the program. The intent of the training was to ensure that those Service Providers who attended have all of the most recent updates and changes for the Fund Year so that we can best serve our Schools and Libraries customers.
If you intend to file BEAR Forms for your FY2016 recurring services, request a PIN and certify your FCC Form 498 if you haven’t already done so. The invoice deadline for these services is October 30, 2017 (October 28 is a Saturday) if your FCC Form 486 Notification Letter is dated on or before June 30, 2017.
Service providers no longer review and approve BEAR Forms
Service providers no longer review and approve BEAR Forms, and BEAR payments go directly to applicants. This applies to BEAR Forms for all funding years.
Prepare for Invoicing by Completing Your FCC Form 498 Today
Applicants who want to request reimbursements directly from USAC by submitting an FCC Form 472, Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement (BEAR) Form, must first certify an FCC Form 498, Service Provider and Billed Entity Identification Number and General Contact Information Form. USAC must review and approve each FCC Form 498 before you can receive a 498 ID. The 498 ID will then be featured on each BEAR Form you submit.
Third Quarter FUSF drops to 17.1 Percent
Third Quarter FUSF drops to 17.1 Percent. The Federal Communications Commission released a Public Notice (DA 17-58) announcing that the proposed universal service contribution factor for the third quarter (July-September) of 2017 will be 0.171 or 17.1 percent.
EM3 earns IOT certification
EM3 earns IOT certification. EM3 Networks has earned the 2017-2018 Professional Internet of Things Certification from AT&T APEX.
FCC Form 486
Applicants can file an FCC Form 486 for FY2017. Applicants with full or partial rights in EPC for FCC Form 486 for their organization can now complete an FCC Form 486 for FY2017. Applicants with full rights can certify the form.
E-Rate Funding Year 2017
E-Rate Funding Year 2017. USAC is scheduled to release Funding Year (FY) 2017 Wave 7 Funding Commitment Decision Letters (FCDLs) on July 14. This wave includes commitments for approved applications for all service types and at all discount levels. As of July 7, FY2017 commitments total over $276 million.